Current version: v2024.101 released: Dec 20, 2023


The software you are about to download is safe, digitally signed, and has been verified by all major online software validation sites.  We also regularly test using VirusTotal to be sure there are no false positives.

Softpedia 100% clean award
Soft82 100% clean award
... and more

About Windows SmartScreen

SmartScreen is a Windows software screening program that notifies users about the "reputation" of files downloaded from the internet.  Simply put, SmartScreen will label all software as "potentially harmful" until enough people download the file without incident: "guilty until proven innocent".  Our software is digitally signed (Verified publisher: ddisoftware, Inc - see below), however the following warnings may appear when downloading until the download establishes a reputation.  This typically only occurs for the first few days after a new release before SmartScreen tallies a reputation for the file.

If you are using Microsoft Edge or IE

The following screens will appear in Microsoft Edge if the version you are downloading is too recent to have a reputation yet with SmartScreen.  Since Microsoft Edge (and SmartScreen) don't have updated information on a new release, they prompt you with several dialogs to make sure you want to "keep" and "run" the software.  The following shows the sequence to follow to keep the installer you downloaded and run it (to install Qimage Ultimate):

Chrome, Firefox, and other browsers

If you are using a non-Microsoft browser, you may only see the last (blue) dialog above.  In addition, the settings that control SmartScreen are configurable so depending on your settings for protection of "unwanted" apps in Windows, you may not see any of the screens above.  We list them here for completeness.

About our digital signature

Our software is digitally signed to protect you from malware or file corruption, so when you run our installs, you may also get the notice below depending on your UAC settings in windows.  This message is proof that we are the verified publisher and that the installation package has not been altered by a third party:

What if I don't get any of these messages?

Keep in mind that the above "protections" can be turned off in Windows, so you may not get any message at all.  If UAC is turned off on your system and you want to verify the signature, you can right click on the install EXE (for example, qutrial21-100.exe), select "Properties" and then "Digital Certificates" where you should see the ddisoftware, Inc. certificate.  Avoid running an EXE that lists the publisher as "Unknown".

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